Active MagLab users from 2018-2020 were surveyed to gauge their knowledge, utilization, and support of FAIR data practices. 175 users responded to the survey and provided feedback to the MagLab on their current use of FAIR data practices.
Survey Respondents by Facility
![Survey Respondents by Facility][1]
Survey Respondents by Field of Research
![enter image description here][3]
Survey respondents were asked if they already had a data management plan for their MagLab-related project. Overall, 45.7% indicated they already had a DMP, 26.6% indicated they did not have a DMP, ad 27.8% were not sure if they had a DMP. When broken down by facility, users in High B/T, ICR, and AMRIS were more likely to indicate they already had a DMP. 75% of survey respondents from the High B/T facility reported having a DMP, 63.6% of users from the ICR facility reported having a DMP, and 62.5% of respondents from the AMRIS facility reported having a DMP.
| | AMRIS | DC Field | EMR|High B/T|ICR|NMR /MRI|Pulsed Field|
|Yes |62.5%|40.9%|43.8%|75.0%|63.6%|43.2%|33.3%|
|I'm not sure.|25.0%|28.2%|37.5%|0.0%|13.6%|29.7%|40.0%|
Additionally, survey respondents were asked if they were already engaging in any FAIR data practices. 54.3% of respondents indicated that they were already engaged in at least one FAIR data practice. The most common practices that survey respondents reported already engaging in were publishing data in an online repository (37.0%) and providing open access to data and experiment protocols (28.9%).
Survey Respondents' Use of FAIR Practices, by Counts
![enter image description here][4]
Across facilities, there were different levels of adoption of these FAIR data practices. With regard to data sharing, the ICR (59.1%) and NMR/MRI (45.9%) facilities had the greatest share of survey respondents who reported that they already make data available publicly.
|FAIR Data Practice|AMRIS|DC Field|EMR|High B/T|ICR|NMR/MRI|Pulsed Field|
|Publishing data in an online repository|25.0%|28.8%|31.3%|25.0%|59.1%|45.9%|33.3%|
|Providing metadata|12.5%|11.0%|6.3%|0.0%|45.5%|8.1%|0.0%|
|Creating DOI's for data products|12.5%|17.8%|31.3%|25.0%|45.5%|10.8%|0.0%|
|Creating data usage licenses|0.0%|2.7%|0.0%|0.0%|13.6%|0.0%|0.0%|
|Providing open access to data and experiment protocols|37.5%|26.0%|12.5%|25.0%|36.4%|43.2%|6.7%|
Survey respondents were also asked if they were aware of any repositories related to their work, regardless of whether or not they had shared data already. Overall, 33.5% said they were aware of such a repository, 34.7% were not aware, and 31.8% were not sure. By facility, users in the ICR and NMR facilities reported the greateest knowledge of existing repositories relevant to their work.
| |AMRIS|DC Field|EMR|High B/T|ICR|NMR/MRI|Pulsed Field|
|I'm not sure|57.10%|31.90%|37.50%|25.00%|18.20%|32.40%|33.30%|
All survey respondents were asked to rate their willingness to publicly share their data collected at the MagLab after an embargo period. Respondents could indicate their willingness on a scale of 0 (not willing) to 10 (very willing). The average score was 7.99, with 89.8% of respondents indicating a willingness of 5 or higher.
Additionally, respondents were asked how long of an embargo period they would need before sharing their data. 90.6% of respondents indicated that they would need an embargo period of 3 years or less.
Requested Embargo Periods, by Counts
![Requested Embargo Periods][5]
Respondents were asked to indicate what reasons might make a 3 year embargo period not feasible for them. The top themes from the open-ended responses were that publications can take longer than three years, concerns over establishing intellectual property, and that it can take more than three years for students or postdocs to complete their analyses.
For more information on the survey or results, please contact Kari Roberts at