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Description: The Dat-e Adolescence is a Spanish, multi-component, school-based prevention program directed at young people between the ages of 12 and 19 years. It comprises seven 1-hour long sessions that can be implemented during school hours. The program was implemented in a cluster randomized control trial involving two groups (a control group and experimental group) and two waves (pre-test and post-test six months apart). 1,764 students from across seven state high schools in southern Spain participated in the study (856 in the control group and 908 in the experimental group); 52.3% were boys (n= 918), with ages ranging from 11 to 19 years (average age= 14.73; SD= 1.34). Efficacy evaluation showed that the program did not impact on physical, psychological or online aggression and victimization, and nor did modify couple quality. It was, however, effective at modifying myths about romantic love, improving self-esteem, and improving anger regulation, as a trend. These initial results are promising and represent one of the first prevention programs evaluated in this country. Future follow-up will allow us to verify whether these results remain stable in the medium term.


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