Main content A novel collaborative approach for EEG personality neuroscience research /
Experimental Tasks (Psychopy Files)
- Katharina Paul
- Jan Wacker
- Cassie Short
- André Beauducel
- Juergen Hennig
- Johannes Hewig
- Andrea Hildebrandt
- Erik Mueller
- Roman Osinsky
- Anja Riesel
- Jutta Stahl
- Johannes Rodrigues
- Aisha Munk
- Alexander Strobel
- Christoph Scheffel
- Corinna Kührt
- Elisa Porth
- Hannes Per Carsten
- Kai Härpfer
- Lena Rommerskirchen
- Leon Lange
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Category: Methods and Measures
Description: All Psychopy Files to run the experimental paradigms
This folder contains all Psychopy files presented in the CoScience Project.
Each task is saved in a separate folder and contains all relevant files (stimuli, psychopy Files, Psychopy Builder files, condition list, examples for instructions, list of the EEG triggers etc.).
The language of the instructions is German.
The CoScience_Batch File is an executable file that includes all CMD commands to ru…
Files can now be accessed and managed under the Files tab.
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