## Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative ##
The Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative is a multicenter effort to assess the reproducibility of the country’s biomedical research by replicating 60 experiments from Brazilian life sciences articles. The project focuses on 3 common laboratory methods - MTT assays, RT-PCR and the elevated plus maze - and each experiment is performed in 3 different labs within a network of more than 50 labs across the country. The reproducibility of published findings will be analyzed in the light of interlaboratory variability, using meta-analysis of the results to measure replicability using different predefined criteria. The results, due in mid-2023, will allow us not only to estimate the reproducibility of Brazilian biomedical science, but also to investigate if there are aspects of the published literature that can be used to predict it.
Publications, results, protocols and data arising from the project are available as [Files][3] in this OSF site.
For a more detailed summary of the project, see the [Project Overview][2].
To know more about the project and how to get involved you can follow the Initiative here at OSF or through the following channels:
Website: http://reprodutibilidade.bio.br
E-mail: reprodutibilidade.br@gmail.com
Facebook (Portuguese only): http://facebook.com/reprodutibilidade.br
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BrRepInitiative
[1]: https://osf.io/6av7k/wiki/Funding%20&%20Support/ "Serrapilheira Institute"
[2]: https://osf.io/tp583/ "Project Overview"
[3]: https://osf.io/6av7k/files/ "Files"