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Description: The Encyclopedia of Terminology for CA/IL is an online resource for students and scholars of CA/IL, publicly available on the EMCA Wiki (

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The term allusion generally refers to something that has been conveyed inexplicitly in interaction.

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Most broadly, an assessment is a type of social action by which an interactant expresses an evaluative stance towards someone or something (e.g., an o...

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A retro-sequence is a type of sequence that is launched (or ‘activated’) from second position (Schegloff 2007: 217-219).

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Thompson & Couper-Kuhlen
Giving advice, according to one commonly accepted understanding, is an action type advocating a future action or activity to be carried out by the rec...

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Overlap is the simultaneous production of talk by two or more interlocutors. While occurrences of overlap are typically conceived of as violations of ...

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Response space

A response space is a sequential environment where a responsive action is made relevant by a first action. What type of response is relevant in a resp...

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Abrupt-joins are tempo-related turn-holding devices which allow current speakers to extend their turn beyond a possible completion point.

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Rush-throughs are tempo-related turn-holding devices which allow current speakers to extend their turn beyond a possible completion point.

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Latching refers to the immediate transition from one turn-constructional unit (TCU) into the next without the usual beat of silence in between the two...

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Applied Conversation Analysis

Where "basic" or "fundamental" CA discovers the conversational practices by which people bring off their everyday business, "applied" conversation ana...

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Show concession

In an argument, a concession to the other's position weakens one's own. With what Antaki and Wetherell (1999) call a "show" concession, however, the s...

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Third position

Third position refers to the sequential environment in which the initial (first action) speaker of an adjacency pair has the opportunity to expand the...

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Online syntax

Online Syntax (as introduced by Auer 2007, 2009) is an approach to syntax within the framework of Interactional Linguistics. It analyses (turn) constr...

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Projector construction

A projector construction is a syntactic construction which grammatically projects a(n) (often) complex continuation in the same turn. The term was coi...

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Auer & De Stefani
The term code-switching lacks a clear definition. It is used for all kinds of co-occurrences of different languages or varieties in a sentence and/or ...

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Footing (Goffman 1974: 496-559, 1979, 1981: 124-159) refers to the alignments people take up in respect to vocal and embodied actions during social en...

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In Conversation Analysis, materiality is used to refer to the particulars of the physical (e.g., Goodwin, 2000), virtual (Hindmarsh, Heath & Frase...

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In Conversation Analysis, the term mobility is used in the context of how social participants talk and interact while moving from one place to another...

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The term multiactivity refers to the ways in which people talk and interact when coordinating or advancing (or not) two or more courses of action simu...

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The term agreement is used in varying levels of detail to refer to the display and establishment of “being in accord” in social interaction. Most char...

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Contiguity is the property of an element in conversation and another element that is the “next one due” (Schegloff 2007: 15) being positioned in immed...

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Choral co-production

Choral co-production refers to a form of participation whereby participants aim to co-produce part or all of a turn-constructional unit (TCU) more or ...

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Anticipatory completion

Anticipatory completion, also called collaborative completion or co-participant completion, is a practice whereby one participant completes a not-yet-...

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Transformative answer

A transformative answer is a type of answer which, though its design, proposes alterations to the terms or agenda of the prior question while providin...

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A lapse is a period of non-speech that emerges when all participants forgo the opportunity to speak at a place where speaking is a relevant possibilit...

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Multi-unit turn

A multi-unit turn is an utterance produced by one speaker that contains more than one turn-constructional unit (TCU), which entails more than one plac...

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Single-unit turn

For a single-unit turn, a speaker produces one turn-constructional unit (TCU) that terminates at a first place of possible completion, whereupon turn-...

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Within conversation analysis, “delay” refers to the placement of a unit of talk or embodied conduct later than projected within a turn-constructional ...

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Resistance represents the interactional accomplishment whereby an individual temporarily suspends their partial or full collaboration with an interloc...

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Subject-side assessment

A subject-side (S-side) assessment, also referred to as a ‘subjective evaluation’, is an assessment that indexes an individual’s disposition towards t...

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Object-side assessment

An object-side (O-side) assessment, also referred to as an ‘objective evaluation’, is an assessment that indexes attributes of the object it evaluates...

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Change-of-state token

A change-of-state token is a linguistic practice for speakers to show that they have “undergone some kind of change in his or her locally current stat...

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Discourse marker

Discourse markers are linguistic devices such as anyway, but, so, y’know, and like, that operate on the level of discourse or units of talk. Schiffrin...

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The term preface in generally used in relation to a turn, i.e., a turn preface. Turn prefaces refer to elements that occur in turn-initial position (o...

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CA/IL studies use the term particle to refer to small, uninflected words that can occupy different positions in a turn (e.g., Couper-Kuhlen & Selt...

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Turn-initial position

Elements in turn-initial position have been broadly defined as ”any token or formulaic phrase that begins and prefaces a turn (and thus a TCU)” (Kim &...

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Modular pivot

A modular pivot is a type of turn-constructional pivot. It is built from syntactically entirely optional items (i.e. linguistic adjuncts) that can occ...

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The term pivot denotes an element of talk that can be understood to belong to two larger units of talk simultaneously, thereby joining them together a...

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A downgrade (or downgrading, downgraded) has been used in slightly different ways throughout the CA and IL literature, but always with a general sense...

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The term upgrade (or upgrading, upgraded) is used in a variety of related but different senses within conversation analysis and interactional linguist...

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Turn allocation

Turn allocation is one component of the turn-taking system, the other being the turn-constructional component (Sacks, et al. 1974). The turn-allocatio...

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Turn holding

Turn holding, also known as floor holding, refers to practices that a current speaker may deploy to inhibit what might otherwise be hearable as a tran...

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Turn-taking refers primarily to the coordinated ways in which speaking turns are distributed among participants, in two-party or multi-party interacti...

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A response is a social action which is understood in relation to a previous action. Unlike more specific categories of second-pair parts, which distin...

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A pursuit (for response) is a post-first social action that treats the absence of a response (so far) as absent or inadequate. A pursuit may occur aft...

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A non-response is the absence of a response, in a post-first sequential environment where a responsive action is relevant. As a social action, a non-r...

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Deontic authority

Deontic authority refers to the capacity of a person to determine action. It is about defining what “ought-to-be”—what will be forbidden, obligatory, ...

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Deontic rights

Deontic rights refer to the authoritative potential that a participant in interaction has in a specific domain of action in relation to his co-partici...

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Deontic status

Deontic status is an attribute of a person who is in a position of active or latent authority in a specific domain of action in relation to his or her...

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Deontic stance

Deontic stance refers to a participant’s publicly displayed and claimed strength of deontic rights relative to their co-participant(s) in a certain do...

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Deontics is a topic of conversation-analytic inquiry, focusing on how participants’ rights to determine action are oriented to and drawn upon, as obse...

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Participation as an analytic concept was first introduced by Goffman (1981) in his work on footing. Goffman was critical of the traditional models rep...

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Participation framework

As an analytic concept, participation framework derives from Goffman’s work on footing (1981), which is concerned with the alignments of persons in th...

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Reversed polarity question

Reversed polarity questions (RPQs) refer to polar questions that convey “assertions of the opposite polarity to that of the form of the questions” (Ko...

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The term preference (as in “preference organization” or “conversational preference”) is used in conversation analytic research to describe how people ...

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The term ‘preferred’ is used in conversation analytic research on preference to describe how people systematically time/position and design their soci...

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The term ‘dispreferred’ is used in conversation analytic research on preference to describe how people systematically time/position and design their s...

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The terms announcing and announcement are used to describe a declarative utterance presented by its speaker as an intended recipient-informing about s...

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Registering refers to the linguistic and embodied action of calling joint attention to a selected, publicly and concurrently perceivable referent so o...

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The term noticing is used to describe: (i) a private, individual, perceptual/cognitive action of bringing one’s attention or conscious awareness to a ...

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Third position repair

Mostovaia & Pfeiffer
A third position repair is a self-initiated self-repair that is initiated by the producer of the trouble source after the recipient’s talk that reveal...

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Third turn repair

Mostovaia & Pfeiffer
A third turn repair is a self-initiated self-repair that sequentially occurs neither within the same turn-constructional unit (TCU) as the trouble sou...

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Self-initiated self-repair

Mostovaia & Pfeiffer
In self-initiated self-repair, speakers interrupt the progressivity of their talk in order to deal with different interactional problems that occur in...

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Same-turn self-repair

Mostovaia & Pfeiffer
In same-turn self-repair, speakers interrupt their own emerging turn-constructional unit in order to deal with a problem related to the current turn. ...

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Other-initiated self-repair

Mostovaia & Pfeiffer
Other-initiated self-repair refers to the range of practices available to the producer of a trouble source to solve the interactional problem indicate...

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Mostovaia & Pfeiffer
Self-repair refers to the collection of practices which give the speaker the opportunity to deal with a part of their own talk that either the speaker...

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Self-repair operation

Mostovaia & Pfeiffer
Research on conversational repair has identified a range of repair operations that producers of repairables deploy for carrying out self-repair.

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Fishing for information

Fishing for information is a way that speakers indirectly solicit information from recipients.

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Conditional relevance

Conditional relevance refers to the property that obtains between an initiating action and its type-fitted responsive action whereby the producer of a...

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Mobilizing response

Mobilizing response refers to how a speaker elicits a (relevant) response from a recipient in social interaction, and specifically to properties of tu...

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Kurhila & Radice
A formulation is a turn-in-talk in which a conversation participant describes or summarises preceding talk and/or draws out its implications. The term...

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Candidate understanding

Kurhila & Radice
A candidate understanding is a turn-in-talk in which the speaker presents for confirmation or disconfirmation their understanding of a previous speake...

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B-event statement

Kurhila & Radice
In the original definition given by Labov and Fanshel (1977), a B-event is one which is known by the recipient (B) but not by the speaker (A). A B-eve...

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A go-ahead is a type of response that occurs in pre-sequences and encourages the prior speaker to proceed with the action projected in first position ...

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A blocking response is a type of response that occurs in pre-sequences and discourages the prior speaker to proceed with the action projected in first...

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Pre-pre's (short for preliminaries to preliminaries) are a practice with which speakers project an action that is not to follow immediately but will b...

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A post-pre is a device by which speakers indicate that they recognized the preceding talk as a pre-sequence, i.e. as preliminary to something else (Sa...

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Pre-expansion (sequence)

A pre-expansion (sequence) (also known as a pre-sequence, or just pre) is a sequence type that expands base adjacency pairs prior to their first-pair ...

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Next-turn proof procedure

The next-turn proof procedure refers to the practice whereby a next turn is designed/inspected for the speaker’s displayed understanding of the prior ...

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Generalized list completer

A generalized list completer is a linguistic device used in the construction of lists, where the final item in the list is semantically broad or impre...

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Hesitation marker

A hesitation marker is an element in talk that indicates some hesitation on the speaker’s part. In fields such as linguistics, hesitation markers have...

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Keevallik & Pelikan
An F-formation (or facing formation) is a spatial-orientational organization, in which participants have arranged their bodies so that their lower bod...

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Home position

Home position refers to the bodily configuration to which a moving body part returns after a single move or a series of moves.

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Response cry

A response cry is a vocalization that is produced in relation to an event, such as stumbling, experiencing rain or cold, or winning at a slot machine ...

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Keevallik & Kerrison
In interaction research, self-talk refers to a speaker’s utterance that is neither addressed to another participant nor designed to occasion a respons...

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Incipient talk

Keevallik & Kerrison
Incipient talk refers to a co-present situation where talk can occur at any moment but is not organized as regular conversational turn-taking, allowin...

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Compliments are social actions that explicitly or implicitly attribute credit to a recipient (Holmes 1988). Most commonly, they are positive assessmen...

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A disclaimer is a form of explanation that functions rhetorically to deflect an anticipated attribution about the identity of the speaker.

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Extreme case formulation

Extreme case formulations are expressions that use maximal descriptions which function rhetorically to legitimate or counter a claim or assessment.

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In linguistics, a phrase is generally understood as a sequence of independently-recognized words. Evidence from child language acquisition, distributi...

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Thompson & Couper-Kuhlen
The clause has traditionally been understood as a grammatical concept; here we first discuss its role in linguistic typology, then turn to the role it...

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Thompson & Couper-Kuhlen
The term proposal has been used with varying denotations in CA/IL. Among the earliest uses were those by Davidson (1984), who mentions proposals in a ...

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Thompson & Couper-Kuhlen
Pre-theoretically the term construction is widely used to refer to a language-specific phrasal or clausal pattern (e.g., the ‘passive’ construction, t...

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A complaint is a social action – or activity (see below) – in which one or several speakers express a negative stance about a person, object, or situa...

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Progressional overlap onset

Progressional overlap (also progressional overlap onset, or simply progressional onset) occurs when a next speaker initiates talk during an emerging p...

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Recognitional overlap onset

Recognitional overlap (also recognitional overlap onset, or simply recognitional onset), refers to the initiation of talk by a second speaker that ori...

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Transitional overlap onset

Transitional overlap (also transitional overlap onset, or simply transitional onset) refers to the initiation and production of talk by a next speaker...

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The term activity is used in an imprecise way but generally refers to a larger interactional unit within which an action performed by an individual is...

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The term project (noun) is used in an imprecise way. It may or may not be used interchangeably with activity (see Robinson 2003, who distinguished bot...

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Professional vision

The term professional vision was introduced by Goodwin (1994) to emphasize the idea that no vision--including scientific vision--is neutral; instead, ...

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Prospective indexical

The term prospective indexical was coined by Goodwin (1996) as a notion to be used to explore how vision is organized in interaction. A prospective in...

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Schneerson & Hänggi
A pre-beginning of a turn may refer to elements of a turn-constructional unit (TCU) which project the start of an upcoming turn, without having the pr...

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Hänggi & Schneerson
The term pre-opening refers to the sequential environment in and through which the conditions for an imminent entry into mutually ratified, jointly fo...

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Hänggi & Schneerson
The opening, or opening phase, of an encounter refers to the sequentially organized activity in and through which participants coordinate entry into j...

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he term ‘gaze’ refers to the action of directing one’s eyes to a point in the environment (e.g., a person, object, or event). This action enables the ...

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Touching is an embodied sensorial practice consisting in a dynamic contact of the hand and other parts of the body with a touched surface—either anoth...

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Multimodal Gestalt

The notion of “multimodal Gestalt” refers to a recurrent accountable arrangement of various multimodal resources that are mobilized by the participant...

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The notion of micro-sequentiality has been used to explore sequential temporal relations in interaction based on relations of successivity and simulta...

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Multisensoriality refers to an embodied engagement with others and/or the material world mobilizing different senses, possibly combining seeing, heari...

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Multimodal transcription

A multimodal transcription is a form of annotation of the multimodal resources organizing social interaction, including language, prosody, gesture, ga...

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Interactional space

Interactional space refers to the dynamic (re)arrangement of participants’ bodies in the environment, as interaction unfolds. It is continuously achie...

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Sound object

A sound object (Reber 2009, 2012; Reber & Couper-Kuhlen 2010) is an interactional object with phonetic substance but minimal semantic content.

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In the seminal work by Erving Goffman, the term ‘vocalization’ is defined as type of “non-words” or “interjections” (Goffman 1978: 810).

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Affective stance

Affective stance refers to a participant’s display of their emotional orientation to a stance object: something or someone that is evaluated from an e...

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Display of empathy

Definitions of 'display of empathy' vary within conversation-analytic research. In much of CA research, a display of empathy refers to an action claim...

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Empathy refers to an interactional process where someone displays understanding of and affective affiliation with another person’s emotional experienc...

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Katila, Mustakallio & Ruusuvuori
Emotions and affects are an omnipresent aspect of all interaction, but they are rarely explicated in words. In conversation analysis the terms ‘emotio...

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Katila, Mustakallio & Ruusuvuori
Emotions and affects are an omnipresent aspect of all interaction, but they are rarely explicated in words. In conversation analysis the terms ‘emotio...

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Misplacement marker

A misplacement marker is a device used by speakers to indicate that their upcoming turn is out of place and does not follow from what has been said be...

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Closing most commonly refers to the structured ending of a conversation, i.e. the collaborative work of participants to bring a conversation to an end...

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Continuers are minimal tokens such as mm-hm and uh huh in English, which are produced as displays of continued recipiency within ongoing talk.

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Turn-Constructional Unit (TCU)

Within Conversation Analysis (CA), talk-in-interaction is conceptualized as the coordinated alternation of turns that are composed of turn-constructio...

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Transition-Relevance Place (TRP)

The notion of a transition-relevance place (TRP) was introduced by Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson (1974) to explain how a current speaker and a next s...

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Membership categorization device (MCD)

Harvey Sacks (e.g., 1972a, 1972b, 1992) coined the term “membership categorization device” (MCD) to describe an apparatus that he observed participant...

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Analyses of talk-in-interaction using CA and IL typically approach context by treating it as dynamically constituted in and through the moment-by-mome...

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An apology is a social action whereby the producer enacts a claim to have offended the recipient, thereby implicitly admitting personal responsibility...

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