## Differentiating Mental Model of Self and Others ##
This repository contains data for two experiments and Bayesian analysis code to accompany the paper "*Predicting classification performance of other people*".
In the *data folder*, there are 2 files, one for each experiment. In the first experiment, participants make do a classification task and make predictions about their performance in each block of the task. There are 16 blocks of 12 trials each. In the second experiment, participants make predictions about their own performance and the performance of an unknown other person on each block. The details of both datasets can be found in the following pages -
[Data for experiment 1](https://osf.io/68347/wiki/Experiment%201/)
[Data for experiment 2](https://osf.io/68347/wiki/Experiment%202/)
In the *Bayesian analysis folder*,
there are four Stan files that are used to run the true model, self model, and models $M_1$ (differentiated by ability) and $M_2$ (fully differentiated) described in the paper -
[true_model.rtf](https://osf.io/yfctn/): Implementation of the true model
[self_model.rtf](https://osf.io/ekmby/): Implementation of the self model
[stan_M1.rtf](https://osf.io/b7ugy/): Implementation of the differentiated by ability model ($M_1$)
[stan_M2.rtf](https://osf.io/2zv86/): Implementation of the fully differentiated model ($M_2$)