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### Internalizing Feelings in College Students #### HGEN 611 Project <br> **Description:** This project is for HGEN 611 at Virginia Commonwealth University with the purpose for students to practice data cleaning, wrangling, and visualization techniques in R. This project also should demonstrate good project management as well as be reproducible (with the exception of that only *simulated* data can be posted to the OSF). <br> **Important Files:** * [README]( * [Final Report]( * [Final Presentation]( <br> **OSF Project Structure** * **Communications folder** * [project_ohara_final.pdf]( - PDF of final exploratory data visualization * [project_ohara_presentation.html]( - slides of final exploratory data visualization * [project_ohara_final_presentation.mp4]( - video presentation * **Supplementals folder** * [project_ohara_final.Rmd]( - R Markdown file for the final project PDF * [project_ohara_cite.bib]( - bibtex file of research citations for the final project Rmd * [project_ohara_packages.bib]( - bibtex file of R packages citations for the final project Rmd * [project_ohara_presentation.Rmd]( - R Markdown file for the final project html * **Data folder** * [project_raw_data_simulated_ohara.csv]( - raw simulated data * [project_clean_data_simulated_ohara.csv]( - clean simulated data * **Figure folder** * [depression_vs_anxiety_histogram.png]( - two histograms comparing the depression and anxiety scores for the entire dataset * [mean_depression_anxiety_race_bar.png]( - two bar graphs comparing mean depression and anxiety scores by race/ethnicity * [mean_depression_sex_bar.png]( - bar graph comparing the mean depressive symptom scores by sex * [mean_anxiety_sex_bar.png]( - bar graph comparing the mean anxiety symptom scores by sex * [depression_vs_anxiety_heatmap_smooth.png]( - heatmap and linear regression line showing the relationship between depression and anxiety symptom scores * **Scripts folder** * [0-create-simulated-data.R]( Creates simulated data * [1-s4s-dep-anx-subset.R]( Subsets data (for the real data) * [2-clean-s4s-data.R]( Cleans data * [3-s4s-data-vis.R]( Data visualization * **Zip folder** * [Ohara_HGEN611_S4S]( - zip file containing all parts of the project and its structure (which is very similar to the OSF project structure)
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