The Youth Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Screeners (YIPS and YEPS) are 10-item self-report behavior rating scales for measuring youths' broad behavioral / mental health problems.
A free copy of the YIPS measure and user guide can be obtained via [this OSF page][1].
A free copy of the YEPS measure and user guide can be obtained via [this OSF page][2].
The YIPS and YEPS are intended to be used for research or practical purposes as screening instruments in secondary school settings. Preliminary evidence suggests that responses to the measures may be valid for such purposes. Yet further research is needed to extend and generalize the validity evidence supporting the measures' technical adequacy, usability, and consequential validity in school-based practice.
Following is a listing of links to papers relevant on the development and / or validation of the YIPS and YEPS:
- [Initial Development and Validation of the Youth Internalizing Problems Screener][3] (Renshaw & Cook, 2018)
- [Preliminary Psychometrics of Responses to the Youth Externalizing Problems Screener][4] (Renshaw & Cook, 2018)