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Description: Learning Progress Assessments (LPA) have been developed to help teachers individualize their curriculum. The use of LPA is facilitated by an increasing number of computerized LPA tools. However, little is known about student factors that influence the effectiveness of computerized LPA. In this study, we explored whether a computerized LPA that focused on reading comprehension was differentially effective depending on students’ initial reading comprehension abilities. Moreover, effects of the LPA implementation on underlying or related, form-based literacy skills (i.e., decoding, spelling) were explored to understand how far beneficial LPA effects generalize across reading abilities. Here we provide Data and Code for the corresponding Journal Article. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Schmitterer, A. M. A., Tetzlaff, L. D.,Hasselhorn, M., & Brod, G. (2023). Who benefits from computerized learning progress assessment in reading education? Evidence from a two-cohort pre–post design. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,1–13.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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