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Specificity and Topicality - Clitic Left Dislocation
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Category: Project
Description: This file contains the contexts and target sentences used for examining the use of clitics in constructions with object left dislocation. The file contains, for both Italian and Romanian, experimental trials for an Acceptability judgment task and trials for a written elicitation task. Three factors are manipulated across the trials: 1) whether the fronted object involves focus or topic fronting, 2) whether the fronted object is specific or non-specific and 3) whether a clitic is present.
This file contains the contexts and target sentences used for examining the use of clitics in constructions with object left dislocation. The file contains, for both Italian and Romanian, experimental trials for an Acceptability judgment task and trials for a written elicitation task. Three factors are manipulated across the trials: 1) whether the fronted object involves focus or topic fronting, 2…
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