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Using seed morphological traits to predict early performance using pelletized seed enhancement technologies in restoration practice
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Category: Project
Description: Manuscript, data, and code associated with a germination experiment using seed enhancement technologies in New South Wales, Australia. Two scripts provided for use in R 1. 'treatment_comparisons.txt' details treatment-wise comparisons of emergence, survival, and average time to emergence between treatments (1) bare seed and (2) pelletised replicates of native species 2. 'trait_script.txt' details comparisons of seed morphological traits as predictors of species performance using pellets Three major dataframes provided: Emergence_data.csv - raw emergence data from the experiment seed_traits_no_se.csv - average seed morphological trait information from x-ray images emergence_traits.csv- emergence speed data from species in the experiment Three supporting dataframes provided: Amenability.csv - characterised amenability results_bin.csv - dataframe based on treatment models to use in plotting results pairwise_letters.csv - dataframe based on treatment models to use in plotting results
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