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Category: Data
Description: This dataset of video and coding files was contributed to the automated eye gaze coding project iCatcher+ (in partnership with MIT Quest). This is a subset of the Infant Physics on Lookit dataset ( Child and session identifiers have been anonymized and are not related to original user IDs on the Lookit platform. All videos in this dataset have been approved by participants to be shared for publicity, scientific, or educational use. The PI for these data is Laura Schulz at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Junyi Chu is the current administrator of the data and the OSF repository. She can be contacted with questions at NOTE: For details about access and usage permissions, please read the Wiki:
This is a dataset of video and annotation files contributed to the automated eye gaze coding project iCatcher+ (in partnership with MIT Quest).
The PI for these data is Laura Schulz ( at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Junyi Chu is the current administrator of the data and the OSF repository. She can be contacted with questions at
Data access
Because the pr…
Files can now be accessed and managed under the Files tab.
Video annotations for looking direction (left/right/away/out of frame), child, and parent behavior, generated by research assistants with frame-by-fra...
Anonymized video session information and participant demographic information
Session videos approved for sharing publicly
Documentation of data generation procedures (e.g. video annotation training manuals, pre-registration of study methods and measures), and how to parse...
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