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This OSF project has been created for the study "**Who is impacted? Personality predicts individual differences in psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany**" *The manuscript has been accepted for publication in Social Psychology and Personality Science (SPPS).* A priprint is availble at [][1] The OSF project contains all preprocessed and processed data, analysis scripts and reports (rendered HTML or PDF files) as well as materials (i.e., a comprehensive codebook). ### Structure: ### #### **R project** folder #### #### *data* folder > *clean* folder #### This folder contains all preprocessed and processed data: - *data_analyze.csv* = processed data used for analyses - *data_preprocessed_lc.csv* = listwise complete (questionnaire data, age, binary gender) preprocessed data used for processing (*N* = 1,320) - *data_preprocessed_full.csv* = listwise complete (questionnaire data) preprocessed data with missing data for age and gender (*N* = 1,534) #### *scripts and reports* folder #### This folder contains all R scripts used for data processing and analyses and rendered HTML or PDF files. Run R scripts in order (B. -> I.) to reproduce our results. *Note*: You cannot run preprocessing scripts (A. & X.) as they read the raw data which we do not share. These scripts created the preprocessed data frames (see *data* > *clean*). #### *transfer* folder #### This folder is as a directory for file import and export (except data frames). #### **Materials** folder #### This folder contains the codebook with all instructions, items, and response options (original German wordings and translations into English). #### **Figures** folder #### This folder contains the figures depicting all results from regression analyses for the outcomes (a) restrictiveness measures, (b) appraisals, and (c) well-being. [1]:
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