**Show notes**
Dan and James are joined by Simine Vazire (University of California, Davis and co-host of the Black Goat podcast) to chat about the role of podcasting in scientific communication. Dan's wife also starts going into labor during the episode, so this is an extra special one - make sure you listen through the ENTIRE episode.
Here's what the cover:
- Why Simine started podcasting
- The perils of being a "methodologist terrorist" researcher
- Why podcast when you could blog or tweet?
- Dan and James’ favourite things about podcasting
- The current role of blogs
- Navigating the public/private crossover of science communication
- How much do we censor our podcasts?
- Should Journal editors tweet and podcast in a personal capacity?
- Should early career researchers podcast?
- The costs of *not* speaking above your station
- What equipment does we use to record podcasts?
- Two vs. three podcast hosts?
- How do you know when you have a good podcast?
- What type of person is suited to podcasting?
- What book does Simine think everyone should read?
- What’s something Simine’s changed her mind about recently?
- Ed Vul Social neuroscience paper https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/wiki/whynhow/images/e/ef/Vul_et_al_orig_paper.pdf
- Snowball ice microphone https://www.bluedesigns.com/products/snowball/
- Black Goat podcast http://www.theblackgoatpodcast.com
- James’ advice for PhDs https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/12-thing-you-should-know-before-you-start-a-phd-9c064a979e8
- Understanding Psychology as a Science https://www.macmillanihe.com/page/detail/Understanding-Psychology-as-a-Science/?K=9780230542303
- What is this thing called science? https://www.amazon.com/What-This-Thing-Called-Science/dp/162466038X/ref=dp_ob_title_bk
Music credits: Lee Rosevere freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/