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### File structure The folder **`OpenSesame experiment (including materials)`** contains - the experiment as a .osexp file ready to be run in [OpenSesame][1] - the folder **`__pool__`**, which in turn contains - 3 `.csv` files providing the per-trial variables for the three experimental blocks - 44 `.png`-`.wav` file pairs representing the stimulus referents visually or auditorily To run the experiment on any machine where OpenSesame is set up, simply place both the `.osexp` file and the **`__pool__`** folder into the same directory and double-click the experiment file. ---------- ### Participant instructions While the file `participant_information` in the folder **`documents and forms`** contains some overlapping information with the actual task instructions issued to participants, the instructions themselves were presented on-screen within the experiment, and are thus contained in the `.osexp` file found in **`OpenSesame experiment (including materials)`**. [1]: "OpenSesame"
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