Date created: 2020-10-27 02:00 PM | Last Updated: 2021-01-25 07:46 PM
Category: Project
Description: Since habits formed during childhood are predictive of adult behaviour, children form an important target group when it comes to improving healthy and environmentally friendly food consumption. To achieve this, immersive Virtual Reality (VR) might better fit children’s communication needs than traditional communication channels. We conducted a semi-structured interview study (N=22) among children aged 6-13 years with the aim to obtain an answer to the following research questions: 1) Are children able to recall and understand information (text + visual) about the impact of food products on their health and the environment when provided to them as pop-ups in a VR supermarket?; 2) What rational and emotional processes may be triggered by this information?; and 3) What are children’s expectations about the real-life application and impact of the pop-ups, and what may be reasons for these expectations?
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