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Erasmus SYNC lab
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Description: This page links all projects in the Erasmus SYNC lab (Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected) at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
About this page
In this OSF project, we share the projects of the Erasmus SYNC lab (Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected) at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. We will share new methods and materials (e.g., questionnaires), preregistrations, preprints, etc.
Current projects are:
- Brainlinks: the neural basis of prosocial development in adolescence
- Self Concept: the neural signific…
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Prosocial behavior in adolescence during the pandemic Covid-19 crisis
In this study we will test how experiences of pandemic crisis impact 1) prosocial thoughts, intentions and behaviors in adolescents, 2) self-oriented ...
The Urban Rotterdam Project: Longitudinal monitoring of the development, well-being and societal engagement among young people in the Rotterdam region
This OSF page is dedicated to the Urban Rotterdam Project, an online longitudinal behavioral survey study including adolescents and young adults aged ...
RESIST - Research on Individual (Anti-) Social Trajectories
The Resist project is a collaboration between researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Leiden University, VUMC and the Netherlands Institute for...
How music alters brain development: A longitudinal twin study on sensorimotor synchronization and brain plasticity
With this project, we aim to unravel whether sensorimotor synchronization performance, a key component of musical capability, is related to individual...
Mood fluctuations during development and their relation to sleep and brain development
In this project mood variability will be studied throughout adolescent development. In addition, the association with sleep and brain structure will b...
Neural mechanisms underlying trust to friends, unknown peers, and community members: A cross-sectional fMRI study to trust in adolescence
| Registered: 2022-11-10 13:09 UTC
Adolescence is an important transition period from childhood to adulthood, in which individuals develop into contributing members of society (Crone &a...
A longitudinal study of multidimensional prosocial behavior during adolescence
Prosocial behaviors, which are defined as behaviors intended to benefit others, are important building blocks for developing and maintaining positive ...
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