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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Lankoti Deepthi, PhD. S...aluru, Karnataka, India
  2. Assistant Professor, De... iD 0000-0001-7576-7378

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT Changes adopted by human beings to make their living comfortably will vary from one another. Humans can not ensure the same living style during uncertain times and have to invite changes to their lifestyle. Now people attain comfort and further expand their comfort zone; they stay safe by overcoming unusual life circumstances. If the pandemic period is viewed as a disastrous movement and people remain stubborn towards change, people have to face life risks at some point of pandemic severity. Family members of these people will be exposed to wager to the extent that it remains unpredictable until people adopt healthy lifestyle changes. In this study, Quantitative Survey is performed to understand the differences in lifestyle during 2020. Data is gathered from a sample of 120 respondents, including students, unmarried employees, married employees, and the remaining unemployed and homemakers. Thematic Analysis is performed on groups of people from the sample based on their demographic features and observed their healthy transformation process adopted by people in their lifestyle to overcome uncertain risks. Loss of life is commonly seen in pandemic environments when situations are uncontrollable. Despite inviting dangerous situations in one’s life, it is practically viable to transform people's lifestyles. Keywords: Employee, Family Issues, Online Platform, Quality Time, Uncertain Risk


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