<h2> Introduction</h2>
This is a repository for the documents, data and files for the "How do I use satellite and global reanalysis data for hydrological simulations in SWAT?" workshop, which took place in Montevideo between 7 - 11 August 2017, jointly organised by [the University of Sydney][1], [IRI (Columbia University)][2] and [INIA, Uruguay][3].
<h2>How to use the files</h2>
Start by reading the AA_Readme.pdf and have a look at the AA_readme_flowdiagram.pdf to understand how the different folders and documents are organised and are useful for different elements.
There are essentially four main groups of documents:
- General introduction in R and hydrological modelling
- SWAT and calibration with SWAT-CUP
- HydroPSO and using HPC with SWAT (incomplete).
- Satellite based rainfall CHIRPS data and comparing CHIRPS and rainfall station data
All the data in this project are example data to allow the running of the different scripts. The data can be easily replaced with other data in similar formats.
[1]: https://sydney.edu.au/agriculture/
[2]: https://iri.columbia.edu/
[3]: http://www.inia.uy/