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Category: Project

Description: We are studying the implications that open science reforms have for evidence law

License: CC0 1.0 Universal

Has supplemental materials for Open Forensic Science on Law Archive


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Why open science matters to factfinding in courts

Both science and expert evidence law are undergoing significant changes. In this article, the authors compare these two movements – the open science m...

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Bring Registered Reports to Forensic Science

We are encouraging forensic science journals to join over 250 other journals that accept registered reports.

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Improving the credibility of forensic science

This project examines the role of transparency and openness in public beliefs about forensic science.

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The prejudices of experts

Paper exploring the the unfair prejudice associated with expert witnesses.

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Lang v The Queen Comment

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Rethinking scientific communication in courts

A workshop at ANU to talk about scientific evidence

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