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**This folder contains codes necessary to replicate the figures shown in the panels of Figures 1, 2, 3, ED1, ED4, ED5, ED6, ED7.** *The folder contains seven subfolders:* **Fig1_ED1_ED4** contains all results and codes necessary to reproduce Fig. 1 and Extended Data Figures 1 and 4. **Fig2** contains all results and codes necessary to reproduce Fig. 2. **Fig3** contains all results and codes necessary to reproduce Fig. 3. **FigED4_ED6** contains all results and codes necessary to reproduce Fig. ED6 and one panel of Fig. ED4. **FigED5** contains all results and codes necessary to reproduce Fig. ED5. **FigED7** contains all results and codes necessary to reproduce Fig. ED7. **idw** contains the idw.m code and its licence, used to ma the polarisation parameters. The code idw.m is a Matlab code developed by Andres Tovar and available at [Matlab Exchange]( *Each folder contains:* 1) A Matlab (.m) file with the same name of the folder that the user needs to run. 2) Several result file in excel (.xls) format. 3) Two shape files (.shp) necessary to plot faults, crater and fractures. 4) The function idw.m. 5) The function importHrNoise2.m. 6) The function RFigure.m Depending on the figure, the folder can contain the velocity, attenuation and resistivity models as well as the seismic locations mentioned in the paper (see Fig. 2) *Example run:* 1. Enter one of the subfolders. 2. Run the file corresponding to the folder name. *Outputs:* The outputs are Matlab Figure files that need to be saved in the preferred format. The panels were layout in the figures using photoshopCS. Labels were added there if necessary.
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