**Integration of Vision and Proprioception Facilitates Encoding but not Storage: an Immersive Virtual Reality Study**
The aim of the study was to investigate whether integration of vision and proprioception is beneficial for encoding the movement (i.e. the rotation) and if an advantage of this integration is also evident during the storage phase. To this end, sensory conditions, environment conditions, movement amplitude, and recall delay were manipulated.
The material here presented includes:
1. *Dataset.csv* - the raw data-set used in the analysis.
2. *R_data* - folder with R dataset and compiled models.
3. *Supplmental_Material.pdf* - step by step instructions and comments with R code syntax to reproduce the analysis results.
4. *Supplemental_Material.R* - plain R code syntax to reproduce the analysis results.
Note that analysis code loads pre-compiled models and datasets (included in the folder `R_data/`) to avoid long running times. To obtain these models and datasets you can run the chunks code where `eval=F`.
For further information regarding the study:
to be added after review