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The Italian Political Class Dataset
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Description: The datasets on the Italian Political Class provides two sets of information: a) census data on a broad spectrum of individual- and group-level variables on elected politicians, offering an updated mapping of the characteristics of more than 20,000 Italian representatives at all governmental levels; b) survey data on politicians’ attitudes towards elections, participation, public opinion, several national and international policy issues, and their views of political representation. Between September 2020 and January 2021, 2,134 elected politicians at the local (n=1,917), regional (n=128), national (n=75) and European (n=14) levels were interviewed, making this the largest survey of the Italian political elites ever conducted and a valuable resource for researchers interested in the study of democratic representation. How to cite and acknowledge data use: Isernia P, Martini S, Olmastroni F, Verzichelli L. The Italian political class: two multilevel datasets on the profiles and opinions of elected politicians. Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica. Published online 2024:1-11. doi:10.1017/ipo.2024.17