## Primary questions ##
1. Is your research data automatically backed up? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
2. Did you lose any research data in the past year? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
3. How frequently do you have problems finding a specific research data file in your collection? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Never
* Almost never
* Sometimes
* Frequently
* Very frequently
4. Do you currently use any dedicated tools for research data management, for example, an electronic lab notebook, or a version control system (such as Git)? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
5. Does your project have a data management plan? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
6. Do you know who owns the research data that you are creating? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
7. Who do you think is responsible for the stewardship of research data resulting from your project? *(compulsory, checkboxes)*
* Myself
* My surpervisor
* My unit's IT manager
* My university/institution
* My funding agency
* Project partner (e.g. commercial company or a collaborator)
* Not sure
* Other *(please specify)*
8. Are you aware of funders’ expectations for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
9. Are you aware of research data repositories? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes, I am already using them to find existing datasets or to share my own data
* Yes, I am aware of research data repositories, but I have not used them
* Not sure
* No, I have no idea what these are
10. Please indicate if you (or related staff/students) would be interested in any potential training on research data management (compulsory, checkboxes)
* General introduction to research data management
* Organising folders and files
* Data management plan preparation
* Data backup and storage solutions
* How to use repositories for data sharing and searching for existing datasets
* Data ownership and licensing
* Using version control software
* Funders' requirements for data management and sharing
* Working with confidential data (personally identifiable, commercially sensitive etc.)
* [Data carpentry][1]
* [Software carpentry][2]
* Data café informal drop in sessions
* Not interested in training
* Other *(please specify)*
## Secondary questions ##
1.1. Please explain briefly how is your data backed up *(conditional on "yes" in question 1, paragraph answer)*
*Help note: E.g. Frequency of backup, backup media and location, who manages the backup of your data*
2.1. You said you lost research data in the past year. How much time did you lose?
*(conditional on "yes" in question 2, multiple choice)*
**Help note: Consider both the time to generate the original data + the time spent trying to recover*
* Less than 1 day
* 1 day - 7 days
* 7 days - 1 month
* 1 month - 6 months
* More than 6 months of work
4.1. You said that you are currently using tools for data management. What are these tool(s)? *(conditional on "yes" in question 4, paragraph answer)*
4.2. Would you be interested in trying out a dedicated tool for research data management? *(conditional on "not sure" or "no" in question 4, multiple choice)*
6.1. You said you know who owns the research data that you are creating. Who is it? *(conditional on "yes" in question 4, paragraph answer)*
9.1. Please provide us with the name(s) of repository(ies) that you are using *(conditional on "yes, I am already using them to find existing datasets or to share my own data" in question 9, paragraph answer)*
## Institutional-specific questions about data management ##
### TU Delft-specific primary questions ###
11. Do you know where to look for available ICT resources (e.g. storage options, available software) at TU Delft? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
12. Have you heard of [4TU.Centre for Research Data][3] archive? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
13. Have you heard about the Data Stewardship project and dedicated support for data management at your faculty? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* Not sure
* No
14. Do you have any other comments that you would like to make about research data support at TU Delft *(optional, paragraph answer)*
15. What is your position? *(compulsory, multiple choice)*
* PhD student
* Postdoc/Researcher
* Assistant Professor
* Associate Professor
* Full Professor
* Support Staff
* Other *(please specify)*
16. Which faculty are you from? *(compulsory, multiple choice - TU Delft-specific options provided)*
17. Which department are you from? *conditional, multiple choice - TU Delft faculty-specific options provided)*
18. Your name and surname *(optional, paragraph answer)*
19. Your e-mail address *(optional, paragraph answer)*
20. Would you like to be informed about the results of this survey? *(optional, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* No
21. Would you like to be included in a draw for 2 x 50 EURO bol.com vouchers? *(optional, multiple choice)*
* Yes
* No
### TU Delft-specific secondary questions ###
11.1. Where do you look for available ICT resources at TU Delft? *(conditional on "yes" in question 11, paragraph answer)*
12.1. How do you know about the 4TU.Centre for Research Data archive? *(conditional on "yes" in question 12, multiple choice)*
* I deposited my data with 4TU.Centre for Research Data
* My colleague used it to deposit their data
* I used a dataset available at 4TU.Centre for Research Data
* I attended a talk where 4TU.Centre for Research Data was mentioned
* I have seen 4TU.Centre for Research Data website
* Other *(please specify)*
[1]: http://www.datacarpentry.org/
[2]: https://software-carpentry.org/
[3]: https://www.4tu.nl/en/research/