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Response Surface Analysis with Missing Data
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Description: . Here, we provide readers with additional materials to the following article: Humberg, S. & Grund, S. (in press). Response surface analysis with missing data. Multivariate Behavioral Research. The file "RSAwithMissingData_SOM.pdf" contains: - Supplement A: Computer code for the example analysis that is reported in the article - Supplement B: Computer code for the extended specifications of SMC-MI in the example analysis (auxiliary variables, nonlinear relations between predictors, nonnormal data) - Supplement C: Information on centering and scaling predictors with missing data - Supplement D: Supplementary figures and tables for the results of the simulation study We also provide a data file that readers can use to run the code that is provided in Supplements A, B, and C. This data file is a resimulated data set based on the SHP data. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------