Heard of GitHub but don’t think it’s relevant to your world? Did you know
it can actually be used as a pretty powerful project management tool that
doesn’t require coding or a command line interface? Let us show you how to
use GitHub to manage programs and projects with no prerequisite knowledge
required in a Friendly Introduction to GitHub workshop.
During this 4-hour workshop we will provide examples of how this flexible
tool can be used for managing all sorts of collaborative projects from
creating a website to managing events and other offline projects up to
managing multiple projects across an entire team or program. We will
demystify the lingo and processes built into this online platform. A
significant portion of the time will be hands-on activities and small-group
work where we will create repositories, work with labels, setting
milestones and assigning tasks. We will also take some time to look at the
tools complementary to GitHub such as gh-pages and gitbook. Participants
will need to bring a laptop to participate in hands-on activities.