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We are students in our senior year at Brigham Young University - Idaho. The members of our research team are Christopher Hooker, Jared Foster, Brayden Decker, Alex Retallick, and Stephanie Molisi We are doing this replication study under the supervision of Brady Wiggins. **Summary** We are doing a direct replication of the study done by Forest and Wood (2012). Our sample will include people that use Facebook. We will send out a survey to online particpants. Excluding factors will include people that do not use Facebook. We will be using the same scale and questions to assess the self-esteem and self-disclosure. We will use 80 undergraduate students from Brigham Young University - Idaho. The study investigated the relationship of social media and self-esteem. Social media is being used more frequently and the quantity of users is growing. Social media allows other people view your posts and information. Self-disclosure is a necessary component to form an intimate relationship. People with low self-esteem are normally more hesitant to disclose information about themselves. The researchers tested the hypothesis that people with low self-esteem would be more likely to post on Facebook and see it as a lower risk to their self-disclosure. The researchers used the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale to assess the participants' overall self-esteem. After they knew the participants; self-esteem, they had them take their questionnaire about social media use. The study showed that people with lower self-esteem view Facebook as a lower threat to their self-disclosure. **Materials** * The original paper is [here][1] (will require a library subscription). * Study 1 materials are in the paper or otherwise easily available. [1]:
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