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**Methods and Materials** *Content* - *Kool replication UiT - Script English.pdf:* A script of the instructions given to the participants, translated to English. Please refer to the procedure video component/video as well. - *Kool replication UiT - Handout instructions Norwegian.pdf:* A small hand-out of the task instructions given to the participants (please see the Procedure video wiki). - *Kool replication UiT - Handout instructions English.pdf:* A small hand-out of the task instructions given to the participants, translated to English. - *Kool replication UiT - Debrief questions Norwegian.pdf:* Debrief questions given to the participants after the experiment. - *Kool replication UiT - Debrief questions English.pdf:* Debrief questions given to the participants after the experiment, translated to English. - *MathLab task files:* A folder containing the relevant information to run the computer experiment. It contains files used in MathLab (with [Psychtoolbox][3]) to run the experiment. These are the same as in the original experiment, with two small changes in the code. So please use the *deck_randposHome.m* file directly under the MathLab task files folder, and not the one in the file/folder. For further instructions see *Kool replication UiT - MathLab researcher instructions.pdf*. *Changes in the MathLab code* The code given by original researchers is outdated in 2 areas: - Change line 57 to: RandStream.set**Global**Stream(RandStream('mt19937ar','seed',randSeed)); (Underline and bold added, underline not possible to show here). The only word changed here is “Global”. - Make sure priority on line 104 is 0 instead of 7. Linux uses a 7 priority, Windows cannot. Keep it / change it back to 7 if you are using OSX (Mac). *Recorded data* For each of the participants, the following will be recorded: - Number of trials - Overall ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand - Ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand in trial block 1 - Ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand in trial block 2 - Ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand in trial block 3 - Ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand in trial block 4 - Ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand in trial block 5 - Ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand in trial block 6 - Ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand in trial block 7 - Ratio of Low Demand versus High Demand in trial block 8 - Number of Low Demand choice resulting in repeated task - Number of Low Demand choice resulting in switched task - Number of High Demand choice resulting in repeated task - Number of High Demand choice resulting in switched task - Total accuracy (correct responses in all trials) - Accuracy when the Low Demand choice resulted in a repeated task - Accuracy when the Low Demand choice resulted in a switched task - Accuracy when the High Demand choice resulted in a repeated task - Accuracy when the High Demand choice resulted in a switched task - Reaction time overall - Reaction time when the Low Demand choice resulted in a repeated task - Reaction time when the Low Demand choice resulted in a switched task - Reaction time when the High Demand choice resulted in a repeated task - Reaction time when the High Demand choice resulted in a switched task *Predictions / Analysis* Individuals minimizing cognitive demand would be expected to show a consistent bias toward the low-demand alternative across runs. To validate the task-switching manipulation, meaning to check that a switch is more effortful compered to a repeated task, we compare reaction times via a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with factors for trial type (repetition vs. switch) and circle choice (high demand or low demand). Error rates for the high- and low-demand circles will be compared in a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. To test for circle preference, we test the low-demand selection rates for individual subjects against the chance rate of 0.50 in a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. We will also compute each subject’s proportion of low-demand selections across all trials. Internal consistency will be assessed by calculating Cronbach’s 􏰂, treating the eight runs of the DST as subtests. [3]:
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