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Subject: Development of a Situational Judgment Test assessing behavior in morally relevant situations Abstract: Development of a Situational Judgment Test assessing behavior in morally relevant situations Reineboth, Magdalena1; Franke-Barthold, Luise1; Wegge, Jürgen2; Strobel, Anja2 1 Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2 Technische Universität Dresden In complex work-environments, considering moral aspects of a situation becomes more and more important. Therefore, organizations benefit from employees and leaders who can identify situations as morally relevant and act in an effective and appropriate manner. To assess behavior in such situations, we developed a knowledge based Situational Judgment Test (SJT). Based on interviews with 48 leaders and employees about morally relevant situations, 127 item stems were derived. To generate the basis for response options, N = 351 employees and students were asked to describe possible behavioral options for the items presented. To evaluate the effectiveness of the response options, empirical scoring with silence, voice and moral courage as indicators was used (N total = 746 employees). As result, 28 Items with four response options each are available. Currently, we selected a set of 10 items to test associations with morally relevant criteria in a sample of employees. Therefore, we use silence as non-action in morally relevant situations and voice as active and promotive behavior in organizational environments. Furthermore, civil courage as prosocial behavior that can be associated with negative social consequences for one's own person and moral courage as the ability to commit to moral principles and resist pressure to act unmorally are considered. The validation results are presented and future applications of the SJT in personnel selection are discussed.
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