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Data and Materials of Project EyeMag2 /
Study IC2: Individual Differences in the coupling of eye movements to imagined movements
- Sonja Walcher
- Ziva Korda
- Christof Körner
- Mathias Benedek
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Category: Uncategorized
Description: This study is the second step of a two-step research approach: in the first part, we tested within the first 50 participants whether we find internal coupling (i.e., whether eyes follow the direction of updating during a visuospatial working memory task) and what the characteristics of this internal coupling is. The first part was successful, and we therefore, as planned, continued data collection until we reached the final sample of 150 participants. Now in the second part, we investigate individual differences in internal coupling using the full 150 participant sample. We try to predict the individual differences in internal coupling with measures of working memory capacity and imagery skills/cognitive style. Main research question: Do working memory capacity and/or imagery skills predict internal coupling of eye movements during visuospatial working memory? RQ1: Is internal coupling of eye movements during a visuospatial working memory task explained by Compensation Theory? RQ2: Is internal coupling of eye movements during a visuospatial working memory task explained by the Quality of Image Theory?
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