This project centers on the observation that an antecedent (*A*) for a
later instance of ellipsis (*E*) can itself contain ellipsis. Here, I
present two case studies of such ellipsis. A strictly monotonic one (where
the ellipsis in *A* is of a smaller phrase than the ellipsis in *E*) is
predictable on many accounts of ellipsis licensing. The second case relates
to exceptives, which have been argued to be (in at least some languages)
derived via ellipsis. Applying this analysis to English *except*-exceptives
enables us to capture a sluice interpretation that has been suggested to be
difficult for many accounts of sluice licensing (Merchant 2001, Rudin
2019). Using the sluice-licensing diagnostic also enables us to probe into
the syntax of a variety of exceptive constructions in English.