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## General overview: ## This repository contains all materials reported in the following publication: Bloem & Ling (2019). Normalization governs attentional modulation within human visual cortex. *Nature Communications.* You can find a pdf of the paper on our lab website [here][1]. **Data citation:** See citation list in the top-right corner of the main project page. **Usage:** If you would like to use the data in published work, please cite both the paper and the OSF data set. If any questions arise you can email me at im.bloem89 *[at]* gmail *[dot]* com. ## Stimulus code: ## This folder contains all Matlab scripts to present the stimuli used in the experiments. Note that PsychToolbox is required to run these scripts. ## Data: ## Data for the different experiments can be found in these folders. Data for Exp1-2 were collected during the same scan session and are therefore grouped together. Each experiment folder contains: - Pre-processed fMRI timeseries for all regions of interest for each participant. - Behavioral data. - Eye tracking data. ## Analyses scripts: ## This folder contains all scripts necessary to create all figures in the paper, as well as supplementary figures. To run these scripts successfully, you will need to keep the same folder hierarchy and names, as they are organized on this platform. **Exp1-2:** - *analysisTunedNormalization.m* : outputs all figures associated with Experiments 1 and 2. - *TunedNormalization_behavioralData.m* : performs the analyses of the participants behavior inside the scanner. - *analyzeEyeTrackingData.m* : analyzes measured eye movements, and checks whether participants are maintaining fixation. **Exp3:** - *analysis_attTunedNormalization.m* : outputs all figures associated with Experiment 3. - *TS_att_behaviouralData_analysis.m* : performs the analyses of the participants behavior inside the scanner, as well as from an additional control experiment run outside the scanner. - *analyseEyeTrackData_TSatt.m* : analyzes measured eye movements, and checks whether participants are maintaining fixation. [1]:
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