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A group of 5 undergraduate Michigan State students (Katie Solomon, Danielle Stewart, Jaaz Catterall, Lindsey Beaver, & Steven Epstein) conducted a direct+ replication of Study 1 in Forest & Wood (2012) under the guidance of PhD student Carol Tweten and Faculty Richard E. Lucas. After completing the self-esteem items and Facebook self-disclosure items as part of this replication, participants were asked additional questions about their personality and social media usage. They were also asked to provide us their Twitter Handle (@Name), which we will use to gather their public tweets, or posts. We will then content-code them in a manner similar to that of Forest & Wood's (2012) Studies 2 and 3. Below is a timeline of the project. **Timeline** IRB * Applied: March 14, 2016 * Approved: March 16, 2016 Data Collection * Began collecting data the week of March 21, 2016 * Concluded data collection mid-April, 2016. Analysis * Conducted analyses April/May 2016. * Compiled R Markdown file of results September/October 2016. Presentation(s) * Poster presented at Michigan State University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF): April 8, 2016
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