Gardiner and Java (1990) report remember/know/new data that heavily favor the
dual process account. In their Experiment 2, participants (N=20) studied 15 words
and 15 non-words and, following a 24 hour delay, their memory was tested with
an old/ new recognition procedure (30 old, 30 new items). Crucially, for items
classified as old Gardiner and Java required participants to make an additional
classification. Participants were instructed to respond “remember” when they could
recall specific contextual details, or respond “know” when they simply felt like they
had encountered the item. Their data (their Figure 2) demonstrated a clear cross
over interaction, such that words elicited far more “remember” responses, whereas
non-words elicited more “know” responses. Importantly, the frequency of “remember”
and “know” responses did not differ between unstudied (new) words and non-words.
The cross over interaction for old items in conjunction with a lack of effect for new
items is highly constraining for theories of recognition and strongly favor a dual
process model. Given their potential theoretical significance, the present study aims
to replicate the findings of Gardiner and Java (1990).