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DATA TREATMENT PIPELINE This pipeline implements utterance segmentation, speaker diarization, automatic transcription, forced alignment, and acoustic analyses. 1. SPLIT BY UTTERANCE Original script written by Mietta Lennes (25.1.2002) input = long .wav sound file output = textgrid with annotated utterance tier praat --run ~/utt_seg.praat 0 0 0.150 59 19 0 20 0 ~/outputdir/ ~/inputdir/ 2. SPEAKER DIARIZATION See for original code and more details. input = long .wav sound file output = table with diarization time stamps python ~/ ~/inputdir/ 3. ADD DIARIZATION INTERVALS TO TEXTGRID Original script written by Author1 (1.27.2024) input = textgrid with annotated utterance tier (output from step 1) + table with diarization time stamps (output from step 2) output = textgrid with annotated utterance tier and annotated diarization tiers praat --run ~/dia_to_existing_textgrid.praat ~/inputdir/ 4. COMBINE DIARIZATION AND UTTERANCE TIERS Original script written by Author1 (1.27.2024), toNonOverlappingIntervals.proc from input = textgrid with annotated utterance tier and annotated diarization tiers (output from step 3), toNonOverlappingIntervals.proc output = textgrid with single annotated utterance/diarization tier praat --run ~/combine_utt_dia_tiers.praat ~/inputdir/ 5. SPLIT TEXTGRIDS & WAVS BY INTERVALS (ANNOTATED BY UTTERANCE AND DIARIZATION) Original script written by Mietta Lenes (8.3.2002), modified by Danielle Daidone (4.27.2019), then modified by Author1 (1.27.2024). input = long .wav sound file + textgrid with single annotated utterance/diarization tier (output from step 4) output = split textgrids and corresponding .wav sound files praat --run ~/utterance_split_onetier.praat ~/inputdir/ ~/outputdir/ "_" 6. TRANSCRIPTION See for original code and more details. input = split .wav files for target speaker (output from step 5) output = table with transcripts for each split utterance/speaker turn python ~/ ~/inputdir/ 7. CREATE NEW TEXTGRID WITH ANNOTATION BY UTTERANCE SEGMENTATION AND DIARIZATION WITH TRANSCRIPTION Original script written by Author1 (2.4.2024) input = table with transcripts for each split utterance/speaker turn (output from step 6) + long .wav sound file output = long .wav sound file + long textgrid with target speech annotated (by utterance segmentation and diarization) and transcribed praat --run ~/dia_trans_to_textgrid_EN.praat ~/inputdir/ 8. SPLIT NEW TEXTGRIDS & WAVS BY INTERVAL Original script written by Mietta Lenes (8.3.2002), modified by Danielle Daidone (4.27.2019), then modified by Author1 (1.27.2024). input = long .wav sound file + long textgrid with target speech annotated (by utterance segmentation and diarization) and transcribed (output from step 7) output = final split textgrids and corresponding split .wav sound files praat --run ~/utterance_split_onetier_2_EN.praat ~/inputdir/ ~/outputdir/ "_" 9. FORCE ALIGN See for original code and more details. input = final split textgrids and corresponding .wav sound files (output from step 8) output = aligned split textgrids and .wav sound files mfa validate ~/inputdir/ english_us_arpa english_us_arpa mfa align ~/inputdir/ english_us_arpa english_us_arpa ~/inputdir/aligned/ --no_textgrid_cleanup --clean 10. ACOUSTIC ANALYSES: PRAATSAUCE See for original scripts and more details. input = aligned split .wav sound files and textgrids (output from step 9) output = acoustic measures for each vowel (spectral_measures.txt) praat --run ~/shellSauce.praat ~/input.wavdir/ ~/input.textgriddir/ ~/outputdir/ filename_spectral_measures.txt 1 1 2 "^$|^\s+$|-|!|B$|CH$|D$|DH$|DX$|EL$|EM$|EN$|F$|G$|HH$|H$|JH$|K$|L$|M$|N$|NX$|NG$|P$|Q$|R$|S$|SH$|T$|TH$|V$|W$|WH$|Y$|Z$|ZH$|spn$|sp$|sil$" 0 "" "_" 0 "n equidistant points" 9 1 1 1 1 0.05 0.5 6000 0.005 0 20 320 0 0 5 50 1 500 1500 2500 0 0 0 11. ACOUSTIC ANALYSES: PITCH TRACKING, JITTER, SHIMMER, UTT POS Original script written by Author1 (2.29.2024) input = aligned split .wav sound files and textgrids (output from step 9) output = acoustic measures for each vowel (pitchtrack_jitter_shimmer.txt) praat --run ~/extract_pitch_jitter_shimmer_EN.praat ~/inputdir/ ~/outputdir/ 12. RUN DATA ANLAYSIS R SCRIPTS: PRELIMS Original script from CITATION, adjusted to creak by Author1 (2023-2024). input = acoustic measures for each vowel (spectral_measures.txt, pitchtrack_jitter_shimmer.txt) (outputs from step 10 and 11) output = data frames with socio and ling variables (PT_full.csv, PT.csv, PT_clean.csv, PS_long.csv, PS.csv) Rscript creak_script_prelim.R 13. RUN DATA ANLAYSIS R SCRIPTS: CLEANING1 Original script from CITATION, adjusted to creak by Author1 (2023-2024). input = data frames with socio and ling variables (PS.csv) (output from step 12) output = data frames after round 1 cleaning and vmeans calculated (PS_int.csv, PS_final.csv) Rscript creak_script_cleaning1.R 14. RUN DATA ANLAYSIS R SCRIPTS: PLOTS Original script from CITATION, adjusted to creak by Author1 (2023-2024). input = data frames after round 1 cleaning and vmeans calculated (PS_final.csv) (output from step 13) output = plotted results (.bmp) + data frames after round 2 cleaning (PS_stats.csv, PS_cleanH1H2.csv, PS_cleanCPP.csv, PS_cleanHNR05.csv) Rscript creak_script_plots.R 15. RUN DATA ANLAYSIS R SCRIPTS: STATS1 Original script from CITATION, adjusted to creak by Author1 (2023-2024). input = data frames after round 2 cleaning (PS_stats.csv, PS_cleanH1H2.csv, PS_cleanCPP.csv, PS_cleanHNR05.csv) (output from step 14) output = data frames after round 3 cleaning (PS_stats.csv, PS_cleanH1H2.csv, PS_cleanCPP.csv, PS_cleanHNR05.csv) + lmer model summaries and visualizations Rscript creak_script_stats1.R 16. RUN DATA ANLAYSIS R SCRIPTS: STATS2 Original script written by Author1 & Author2 (8.11.2024). input = data frames after round 3 cleaning (PS_stats.csv, PS_cleanH1H2.csv, PS_cleanCPP.csv, PS_cleanHNR05.csv) (output from step 15) output = brms model summaries and visualizations Rscript creak_script_stats2.R 17. RUN DATA ANLAYSIS R SCRIPTS: RERUN PLOTS Original script from CITATION, adjusted to creak by Author1 (2023-2024). input = data frames after round 3 cleaning (PS_stats.csv, PS_cleanH1H2.csv, PS_cleanCPP.csv, PS_cleanHNR05.csv) (output from step 15) output = new plotted results from cleaned final data frames (.bmp) Rscript creak_script_plotsrerun.R
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