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This dataset contains Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data collected from a smartphone in a running car. The IMU data includes acceleration along the X and Y axes and angular velocity around the Z axis of the car. The dataset captures signatures of five distinct rash driving patterns: Lane Weaving, Lane Swerving, Hard Braking, Hard Cornering, and Quick U-turn. The data was collected using the publicly available Sensor Logger Android application. Sampling rate: 100 Hz Total Labeled Data: Five hours Locations: Mostly on the IISER Bhopal Institute campus and some on Bhopal city highways Driver: Single driver Alignment: X-Axis: Aligned with the vehicle's lateral axis. Y-Axis: Aligned with the vehicle's longitudinal axis (direction of motion). Columns in the Dataset: - `time`: This column records timestamps in the Unix timestamp nanoseconds format, assigning unique identifiers to each data point. - `seconds_elapsed`: This column represents the number of seconds that have passed since a specific starting point. - `accele_y (m/s^2)`: This column indicates the acceleration value in the y-direction, measured in meters per second squared. - `accele_x (m/s^2)`: This column represents the acceleration value in the x-direction, measured in meters per second squared. - `accele_x_filtered (m/s^2)`: This column contains the filtered (processed) acceleration value in the x-direction, measured in meters per second squared. - `accele_y_filtered (m/s^2)`: This column contains the filtered (processed) acceleration value in the y-direction, measured in meters per second squared. - `label (String)`: This column specifies the label or category of the rash driving event observed in each data point. - `gyro_z (rad/s)`: This column records the gyroscope measurement in the z-direction, measured in radians per second. - `gyro_z_filtered (rad/s)`: This column contains the filtered (processed) gyroscope measurement in the z-direction, measured in radians per second. Cite: Mishra, D., Gulati, M., & Lone, H. R. (2024). Towards safer roads: Deep learning for rash driving detection using smartphone sensors data. ACM Conference of Computing and Sustainable Societies (ACM COMPASS 2024). Contact: If you have any questions or need further clarification about the dataset, feel free to ask.
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