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Project: Humans can track but fail to predict accelerating objects. Authors: Kreyenmeier P, Kaemmer L, Fooken J, Spering M. Year: 2022 Project consists of 2 Experiments (Experiment 1: Main Experiment, Experiment 2: Control Experiment) There are two separate folders, one for each Experiment. Each Folder contains the following: 1. Folder 'Data': contains 16 (Experiment 1) or 10 (Experiment 2) subfolders for each observer. Each subfolder contains 2-3 files (SXX_.mat contains all eye and hand movement data, ExperimentSXX.mat contains all behavioral data, and SXX_error.txt contains excluded trials if any trials were excluded). 2. Folder 'Results': contains .csv-files exported during the mainAnalysis in Matlab and are used for the statistical analyses in R ('XXX.R'). 3. Matlab Scripts provide data analyses and are used to reproduce all figures.
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