The following project contains links to the Swedish bisyllabic word lists developed by Weidow and Olsén (2020) for use with speech recognition threshold (SRT) testing.
The development of their lists have been described in the following student thesis from Örebro University:
Weidow, R., & Olsén, J. (2020). *Framtagning av förnyat material för Hörtröskel för tal-test [The development of renewed material for Speech recognition threshold-test]* (Dissertation). Retrieved from
The lists that Weidow and Olsén (2020) developed and recorded have been checked for list homogeneity, but would benefit from further validation before being used clinically.
The actual sound recordings have been made available by Weidow and Olsén in the linked OSF-project. Recordings of the individual words are stored in the folder "Datainsamling 1" and the final word lists are stored in the folder "Datainsamling 2".