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Description: The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of low-frequency brain oscillations (alpha and theta) in subsequent memory formation. To do so, we are going to use electroencephalography (EEG) in 30 healthy humans while they perform an associative memory task. Specifically, we shall focus on how the phase of brain oscillations at which the stimulus arrives affects performance in later memory retrieval. Moreover, we expect to find that relevant brain oscillation phases in fronto-temporal areas are within the theta frequency band (4-7) and occipito-parietal brain oscillation phases are within the alpha frequency band (8-14). In conclusion, we hypothesize that memory performance fluctuates as a function of brain oscillation phase. If this is the case, knowing the phase angles in the pre-encoding period, before or when the stimulus arrives, should be sufficient to predict the effectiveness of subsequent memory encoding.


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