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# Lexical Semantic Change Evaluation Framework ### Repository Description ### This repository is a companion to the manuscript titled "A Multidimensional Framework for Evaluating Lexical Semantic Change with Social Science Applications” by Naomi Baes, Nick Haslam, and Ekaterina Vylomova. It includes scripts and accompanying data for evaluating the dimensions of lexical semantic change specified by the computational framework. ### Languages and Environments Programming Languages: - **Bash**: Shell scripts (.sh) - **Python**: Scripts (.py) and Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb) - **R**: Scripts (.R) Environments: - **Spartan**: The University of Melbourne’s high-performance computing system for preprocessing corpus data (transformer models). - **Related Scripts**: ".slurm files"; Slurm (job scheduler and workload manager) for HPC clusters). - **Visual Studio Code IDE**: Integrated environment for running scripts with Conda environment management for Python and renv for R. *Note*: The environment.txt file provides a link to download the R environment and Python dependencies needed to work within a reproducible environment. ### Citation Request If you use this code in any way, please cite the following paper: - **Title**: A Multidimensional Framework for Evaluating Lexical Semantic Change with Social Science Applications - **Authors**: Naomi Baes, Nick Haslam, Ekaterina Vylomova - **Conference**: Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2024 - **arXiv preprint**: ### Additional Information - Corpus data are not provided due to copyright restrictions, but the format is: "text ||||| year ||||| publication_type ||||| id". - The `environment.txt` file provides links to download R environment and Python dependencies for reproducibility. ________________________________________ Contact me at if you have any questions.
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