王珺, 宋琼雅, 许岳培, 贾彬彬, 胡传鹏. (2019). 效应量置信区间的原理及其实现. 心理技术与应用, 7(5), 284-296. doi:10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2019.05.003
This project contains the R scripts used in our Chinese introductory paper about the Confidence Intervals (CIs) of Cohen's d and eta squared.
Information of the paper: Wang, J., Song, Q., Xu, Y., Jia, B., & Hu, C.-P. (2019). Calculating Confidence Intervals of Cohen’s d and Eta-squared: A Practical Primer (in Chiense). Psychology: Techniques and Applications, 7(5), 284-296. doi:10.16842/j.cnki.issn2095-5588.2019.05.003