## Analysis code and Data: Pupil diameter encodes the idiosyncratic, cognitive complexity of belief updating
### A. Filipowicz, C. Glaze, J. Kable, & J. Gold
The following contains the data and analysis scripts used for Pupil diameter encodes the idiosyncratic, cognitive complexity of belief updating ([link to article][1]).
Each "Figure" folder contains the code and objects required to reproduce the analyses in each respective figure from the article.
The "data" file contains the necessary data to run the figure scripts. These include:
- bdat: behavioral data for all 78 subjects
- pdat: pupil data for the 55 subjects who had their pupils measured
- BayesParams: parameter fits for the bayesian model for all 78 subjects
- BayesParams_recov: recovered parameter fits from simulations using subject fits
- adaptH_params: Fits from the adaptivity model for all 78 subjects
- afaptH_fits: LLH and BIC values for different versions of the adaptivity model
- adaptH_params_recov: recovered parameter fits from simulations using subject fits
- fixedH_params: parameter fits for each hazard rate for each subject
- Complexity_Correct: complexity values for each subject
- wide_prior_sim: simulation of the wide prior bayesian model for each session
Please direct any questions to Alex Filipowicz - alsfilip [at] gmail [dot] com
[1]: https://elifesciences.org/articles/57872