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Description: Individuals can use information stored in episodic long-term memory (LTM) to optimize performance in a working memory (WM) task, and the WM system negotiates the exchange of information between WM and LTM depending on the current memory load. In this study, we assessed the ability of different accounts of interactions between LTM and WM to explain these findings, by investigating whether the position of pre-learnt information within a memory list encoded into WM affects the benefit it provides to immediate memory. In two experiments we varied the input position of previously learned word-word pairs within a set of four to-be-remembered pairs. We replicated previous findings of superior performance when these LTM pairs were included in the WM task and show that the position in the list these LTM pairs were included did not seem to matter. These results are most consistent with the idea that having access to information in LTM reduces or removes the need to rely on WM for its storage, implying that people “offload” information in conditions containing LTM pairs.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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