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**Procedure video** *Content* - *Kool replication UiT - Procedure video.mp4:* A video showing the procedure of the replication part, beginning with meeting the participant for the first time, up till task (experiment 3 in Kool et al. (2010)) completion. The video was made with a phd-student as a participant, without any prior knowledge of the task, and with her consent to being filmed, and that video being uploaded here. - *Kool replication UiT - Procedure video"* The experiment are conducted at a Norwegian University, so the instructions in the video are done in Norwegian, therefor we made and added subtitles in English. - *Kool replication UiT - Procedure video participant quick analysis.jpg:* The results from the procedure video participant, using the *quickAnalysis.m* in *dst_multidecks*. Uploaded with the participants consent, and only provided to show sensible results compered with the original study. Will be excluded from all further analysis and data collection. *Possible deviations from the original study* After the video was made, we did a careful extra examination of the original paper, as well as the replications, and we were made aware of some small points that should be pointed out. - The original study does not specify whether the complete instructions (i.e. choosing the cues etc.) are given before the practice session, or if simplified instructions are given before the practice session, and then the complete instruction are given before the actual experiment. Neither of the two other replications addresses this ([Pacific Lutheran University][4] nor [Brigham Young University][5]). However due to the next point on this list, this shouldn't matter. - The original study does not specify whether the participants are given an instructions sheet or not. This is done in both of the other replications. After careful consideration, we decided to include such an simplified instruction sheet as well. A participant completely forgetting the instructions could end up being wasted, while a participant reading it in the beginning would most likely not have any effects on what is being measured, in addition they are performing such a large amount of trails, so it's highly unlikely they would need to refer back to the instructions sheet regularly. - The original study says the participants were told that the session would last for a 1 hour fixed period. However, this was in experiment 1, and for experiment 3 they simply say they used the same task as in experiment 1. It's uncertain if the participants were told nothing or told the session would last 1 hour (fixed). However in experiment 3, the computer task do display a " X of 8" each time you finish a block, so one would assume it's quite clear that the task does not last for a fix amount of time. In the [Brigham Young University][5] replication the participant is told it should take about 30 minutes, and that it does not have a time limit, in the other replication, time is not mentioned. We will point out to the participant that there is no time limit. *How to view the video with subtitles:* One way to view the video is to use [VLC][2]. Download the video and the subtitles file, and start the video, click subtitles and then add the subtitles. However if they are in the same folder, they should be added automatically. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]:
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