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Envy, Radicalization and Conspiracy
Date created: 2022-11-29 02:14 PM | Last Updated: 2022-11-29 02:26 PM
Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/46FCJ
Category: Project
Description: TITLE: Radicalization and Violent Extremism Depend on Envy; Conspiracy Ideation, Not Always ABSTRACT: Emotions are known to play central roles in radicalization, violent extremism, and conspiracy ideation. Of the emotions studied for their contribution to those social pathologies, envy has been relatively unexplored. We experimentally investigate the relationship between envy, radicalization and violent extremism, and conspiracy ideation. Envy is shown to have an impact on core aspects of radicalization, particularly the endorsement of extremism and the acceptance of violent means to achieve one’s ends. Radicalization might facilitate the adoption of conspiracy ideation, rather than the latter being a cause of radicalization. Some implications for future research on radicalization and violent extremism are discussed.
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