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  1. Charlotte Lee
  2. Charlotte Albury
  3. Sara Ryan

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Description: Antidepressants (alongside psychotherapy) are commonly prescribed for common mental health problems like depression, anxiety, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress, and obsessive compulsive disorder. However, many people do not respond to this treatment. These people we understand as having treatment-resistant mental health conditions. These people are supposed to receive specialist care but due to long waiting times they do not. This makes primary care their main source of support, but there is a lack of research to support clinicians in diagnosis and treatment. This systematic review aims to address this problem.


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anxietydepressiongeneral practicemedical sociologymental healthobsessive compulsive disorderpanic disorderpost-traumatic stressprimary carequalitativesociologysystematic reviewthematic synthesistreatment-resistant

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