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Category: Instrumentation

Description: Test materials for Ahn and Chang (2022, "Emotion word development in bilingual children living in majority and minority contexts"), which are shareable publicly according to the study's IRB protocol: (1) language background questionnaire (in Korean), in three versions administered to participants whose additional early-learned language was English, Mongolian, or some other language, respectively, (2) full list of target words, with meta-data on psycholinguistic properties (in .xlsx, .csv, and .pdf format), and (3) emoji response scale (in .pptx and .pdf format). The Korean vocabulary test used was the Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test (REVT; see Kim, Hong, & Kim, 2009, "Content and reliability analyses of the Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test (REVT)", Korean Journal of Communication Disorders, vol. 14, pp. 34-45). The audio recordings used in the valence rating task are not shareable for privacy reasons, but are reproducible with the information provided in the journal article.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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agebilingual childrenbilingualismemotional valenceemotion vocabularyemotion wordsheritage speakersimmigrant familiesmajority contextminority context

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