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This project stores the data and code to accompany the above manuscript. The files are organized into `facet-analysis` and `meta-analysis` directories. All analyses were conducted using R. Files are arranged using the [ProjectTemplate]( method of file organization. The primary analysis scripts are stored in Rmarkdown files (i.e., ".rmd"). Each data analysis includes a zip file that contains the full R project. If getting started with the project, it is recommended that you double click on the ".rproj" file and open the project in RStudio. Then open the relevant ".rmd" file. **Dependencies:** * Make sure that you have "ProjectTemplate" installed. * The project makes use of several additional packages that are set out in the libraries line of `config/global.dcf` in each R repository. * ProjectTemplate will automatically install any packages on CRAN that you have not already installed. * However, the facet-analysis makes use of the `personalityfacets` package which is available on github. This can be installed as follows: ``` library(devtools) install_github('personalityfacets', username='jeromyanglim') ``` You can then run the first code chunk in the RMarkdown file. This will prepare the scripts for the primary analyses (i.e., load libraries, load support scripts, run data manipulation in the `munge` directory). Once you have run the first code chunk in the rmarkdown file, you can examine the code in any of the other Rmarkdown code chunks to see how particular analyses were conducted. We have also included complete rimage files that were saved at the completion of analyses. If you experience difficulty importing data or running ProjectTemplate, then these are an alternative way of exploring the various data and analysis objects that make up the analysis. We have also included data folders that contain key data files as stand-alone files. If you require additional documentation regarding this repository, please contact the corresponding author of the manuscript outlining what additional documentation you would like.
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