# Context
Responding to discussions about invisible labor and valuing collaborations, the PI’s chose to utilize Open Science Framework (OSF) as the documentation hub because it provided the ability to name contributors, and the flexibility to indicate contributions at different levels.
Secondly, this project is developing and piloting a “contributorship data model”, referencing the Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities (TaDiRAH), CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), and schema.org.
# Implementation
As an exercise while we refine the contributorship data model, we made several decisions about how we will signify and express roles and contributions:
1. Each contributor will have at least two roles
2. One role will be from each vocabulary referenced - TaDiRAH and CRediT
3. The full extent of contributorship is not quantified in these files, but will be fleshed out in documentation as fully as possible
4. Contributor order on the project follows a standard pattern of:
- Lead Principle Investigator
- Co-Principle Investigators
- Project Manager
- Former Principle Investigators
- Former Project team members
- Affiliated Cohort members
The contributorship data model is applied to the following aspects of the Immersive Scholar project:
NC State University Libraries
* [Wiki](https://osf.io/ygcn2/wiki/Contributions/)
Coded Glass
* [markdown](https://osf.io/k75pd/)
* [JSON file](https://osf.io/g8cpm/)
Community Gardens
* [markdown](https://osf.io/qnu3r/)