**Pilot Sample**
As part of a Stage 1 submission, we sampled 5% of papers between 2014-2022 (the latter including in press) to better understand the different types of articles that appear in BRM and how these might be assessed for sustainability. Approximately 1400 papers have been published in that time and we observed from a sample that articles tend to include results of surveys/experiments (20%), software/hardware (20%), statistical code (30%), or materials (25%) with other papers (e.g., reviews or corrections) accounting for a final 5%.
**Pilot Sample Data**
**Example Report (used to support coding discussions)**
**Main Data File - DOI numbers removed**
**R Code**
*Summary Function (required for Figures code)*
*Comparing Correlation Coefficients*
https://osf.io/dz4p7 Note: this is not reported in the final manuscript, but compares correlation coefficients reported in Tables 1 and 2 (before and after changes to journal policy). No significant differences are observed.